Credit Card Processing Rates
Discount Credit Rate:
Discount Debit Rate:
Monthly Statement Fee:
Authorization Fee:
Setup Fee:
Programming Fee:
Application Fee:
Customer Service Fee:
Annual Fee:
Brief Overview of Benefits
Restaurant credit card processing is important for a restaurant because it allows the customer freedom to pay with cash or credit. A customer will limit how much he or she spends due to the amount of cash is in his or her wallet but with a credit card, the customer has the option to spend more money. Credit card processing for restaurants is different from processing for retail because it has a tip line on the receipt. This is also beneficial for the business because the customer will remember to give the waiter or waitress a tip. Accepting credit cards at a restaurant will also bring in more business. If a customer has to remember to bring in a certain amount of cash every time he/she is going to visit the restaurant, it will become a hassle and the customer is less likely to keep returning or even recommend the restaurant.